Monday, January 23, 2012

Shift (The Protector #2) by M.R. Merrick

Devastated by the loss of his mother, Chase is trying to balance the life he’s been left with, a family he’s still getting to know, and power he never thought he’d have. He doesn't understand why the Goddess has named him the Protector and granted him two gifts: the Mark, a tattoo that now covers his back, and the ring. But between getting interrogated by the Circle and psychic attacks from Riley, the Mark is the least of his concern. There’s a demon inside Rayna that’s fighting to be released, and it’s not her inner witch. It’s something else–a monster threatening to tear her apart. 

As Chase struggles to control his magic, his enemies are closing in. Everyone has staked a claim on his ring, and destroying it may be his only chance to stop Riley. But Chase must decide if stopping him is worth risking the lives of everyone he cares about, or if protecting the ring will be enough to save his world.
Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads.

My Review  
Oh yeah, still loving this story!! I still cannot believe some of the things that happened in this book! And this won't be a book that you can just read a little bit every day for a while - you will wanna tear through it! There is so much action, especially the second half. It's like a pack of fire-crackers - Bam!Bam!Bam!Bam! Never a dull moment! Oh, and that thing that you keep wishing Chase would GET A CLUE about? Yeah, I think he FINALLY gets it. *wink* Rayna & Chase get to be even more badass as the story continues! Willy - I just wanna give him a big hug & make him some cookies! Tiki - would be so fun to hang out with! And then there's Vincent - he's still an arrogant jerk but that's no surprise. These are really some of the most interesting characters out there! I can't wait for more!

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