Friday, August 23, 2013

Sovereign Hope (Hope #1) by Frankie Rose

Everyone has a soul.

Some are just worth more than others.

Farley Hope was seventeen when her mother disappeared. In the last six months not much has changed, except that her eighteenth birthday came and went and still no sign of Moira. Her life is just as complicated as it always was: since her father died in a car crash before she was even born, she’s officially parentless, and to top it all off she’s still suffering from the hallucinations. Mind-splitting, vivid hallucinations- the kind prone to induce night terrors and leave you whimpering under your covers like a baby.

The last thing on her mind is boys. Farley is on break from St. Judes’ when she meets Daniel. It’s not some casual run in at a party, or even a blind date with friends, though. Daniel is the guy stalking her in his 1970′s Dodge Charger; the guy standing at her window in the LA lunch hour traffic, determined on dragging her out of her truck.

The moment Farley lays eyes on Daniel, everything changes. However, regrettably for Farley, her life isn’t set to change for the better. She is drawn into a world that will shake apart everything she thought she ever knew. There are truths out there that she must learn: who her father really was, and what it means to have his blood flowing through her veins; that a person’s soul is their only real currency, and there are people who would do anything to take hers; that loving someone can hurt so much more than hating them; but, most importantly, when your future is predestined, there is little you can do to change it.

Farley Hope is prophesied.

Her coming has been awaited for hundreds of years.

She is destined to end the tyranny of the Soul Reavers.

To do so she must die.

My Review 
Oh man! This was such a smashing book! I had to force myself to stop and write this review before diving right into book 2. I miss Farley & Daniel already! Farley was so brave and steady from the very beginning. Most people in her shoes would've fallen apart but she kept her faith and kept pushing forward no matter what. And what can I say about Daniel? He's an arrogant, rude, too-sexy-for-his-own-good, badass. I fell in love with him immediately. Their chemistry together was...well.. tense. Unsettling. But positively electrifying. And I absolutely can't wait to find out what else is in store for them and their fabulous friends. 

You can win this amazing book along with many others in the Giveaway I am having right here --> Super Ginormous Fantabulous Post-UtopYA Giveaway!

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